Saturday, July 30, 2005


Had a gig at the Four P's last night - an Irish pub in Coventry. It was good fun, absolutely packed and folks dancing to the end. There was one thing that happened that got me thinking. It was a girls (Kirsty I think) 18th birthday and here older mates wanted her to have a birthday snog. Kirsty wasn't quite so game and fended off some would be takers.
I got to thinking how cheap some people treat love. A quick snog might seem a bit of innocent fun but to me a kiss is more than a cheap thrill.
It's about commitment.
In some countries it's the norm to kiss a greeting - a sign of friendship. Theres a bit in the bible where the prostitute kisses Jesus feet and that's out of complete submission or surrender.
It's worth thinking about next time you kiss someone - what comitment are you sealing with that kiss? Don't throw them away - kisses are the jewels of friendship.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My Mistake

The post I posted yesterday about being a blogging virgin...I lost the password and must have mistyped my email address so I couldn't get to the blog. So this is a new blog. I know the login details and we're away. Post number 2.

The kids are on school holiday and are extremely hyper about going to Switzerland. Kita's doing well at German. She's 6 years old and speaks it better than any of us. David is working out the route and how long it will take for us to drive there.
... 13 Hours!!!!
This could be another mistake. In the car with kids for 13 hours. What kind of hero do I think I am? We've told David he is not aloud to ask us if we're there yet or if we're nearly there or how far we have to go.
Apparently, Holidays are actually proven to be the one of the most stressful things that a family does. It's a dangerous time. Most relationships that end, end either on holiday or at Christmas. It's the normal everyday, stressful life that is safe ground. My big problem there is that being a musician I don't have a normal every day type of thing happening. I guess I'm worrying about nothing then! C'mon Stresses! I can take ya'll on!!!

Blogging Virgin

I've never done this before so if it's all wrong be patient. I decided that so much goes on that I can't really put in the news section of my site because it's not news.These are thoughts, comments, issues I have and so on that I need a place to diarize them and let the world know how I tick. So I hope that's OK. It's been a mad couple of weeks. We had the Bombs on the London tube nearly three weeks ago and so I had the media asking for comments from someone who'd been through similar events. I lost my Dad in the 9-11 attacks on the Trade Centre. BBC Radio 2, Cross Rhythms and the front page of the Christian Herald all carried my comments on the London attacks.It gets quite scary when you get a voice in the media, all be it a small one. You can have fun with it or you can take it seriously. Right now, I think we live in a world that is a mess. I don't see retaliation, vengence or fighting as the answer because I don't see that in the Cross. This world need to wakeup and see that it needs God. For me it's black and white. Jesus said we're supposed to love and pray for our enemies.

As christians I wonder when George Bush or Tony Blair prayed for the people that are attacking our countries. It's a tough one to work through but these are Jesus words. On the cross, the biggest act of terror was carried out when the guiltl torchered and killed the innocent. And the inocent said, "Father forgive them. They don't know what they are doing."Man that's tough.