Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I got loads of emails and texts yeaterday from people. It was 5 years since 9-11.
In some ways, 5 years is no different to 5 days or 5 months. It still happened, the memories and the pain of it all doesn't diminish. One of the worst things about days like yesterday are questions from the media along the lines of, "How does it feel now?" Like a physiotherapist who extects pain to diminish the more you manipulate the tension.
Well, no, it's no easier. In fact in some ways it gets harder.
I was talking to my wife last night and was saying that although 9-11 was a big thing, 67 britains were killed. Not that many when you think of the size of Britain. A slim chance of knowing someone killed. But I do, someone dear to me. So Why am I in that possition and what am I supposed to do with it?
Am I supposed to keep it as a private thing of grief. I find it hard to do when it's such a public story and when the affects of my Dad's death have resulted in a 'War against terror' that's left thousand of innocent people killed.
Since (and including) 9-11 just over 4000 people have been killed in terrorist attacks worldwide. In the war against terror nearly 95,000 have been killed - most of them innocent people. That seems an excesive price to pay, especially when global peace and safety seems further off than it ever has done .
The US led war against terror has been accused of loosing its way, lacking focus.

My problem is similar in the sense that I've lost focus. I need to know what next. There's a line in one of my songs that says 'Sometimes my mind is lost inside a maze'. It's a horribly easy place to find yourself. There's so many issues, so many unanswered questions that need to be answerd. There's so many good causes, charities, human justice movements and christian issues that get draw into the whole aftermath of 9-11 that I feel strongly about/for.
Hopefuly by the next post I'll have an idea where I'm going with his.
Hopefuly,so will the Americans


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some say forgiving is Divine--but now-a-days it's almost essential unless we want to live in fear and anger. There are some absolutely free programs (subliminal and hypnosis) available from Eldon Taylor's site at www.innertalk.com/ They helped me.

11:08 AM  

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