Monday, October 31, 2005


Edinburgh is a cool place. It's the second time I've been and this time I took some time to do a bit of exploring.
I don't like the shops so much. The city centre could be anywhere with the stores there. But the castle's impressive and walking around the walls was a cool place to get some song ideas. We climbed the Scotts Monument as well and couldn't find the door to get back down. Found a good old Scottish restaurant called MacDonald's.
The gig was in Portabello so we stopped on the way and explored Arthurs seat. That is an awesome hill. Stuck in the middle of the city, it's a wilderness. Stark contrast. Makes you realise that men can't block out creation totally which is a relief. From the top you could hear the crowds at the Hibs/Hearts game. Not sure who won. The crowd at the gig seemed happy enough tho....
We're back up there in a couple of weeks. Must get some square sausage (apparently)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So, Is He In It?

OK, after 20 years or so of saying I'm a Christian, last nigt I took the plunge.
I decided that God IS real. Not bad eh? I've been questioning and testing my Christianity for a while now after realising that it's ease to live under a kind of Christian Gloss-Over. Underneeth there's still the stuff that hasn't been christianised.... I could say this in all in the way that christains do but that for me right now is all the gloss. I need the basics again. Warts and all - and not selected warts.
SO, God's there. Why did I decide that? Over the last 20 years I've challenged God with things like, "if You're there then do this", and I've accepted what's happened. Sometimes I've been blown away, sometime the cynic could argue for coincidence. But in the end, I have to decide for myself. A faith based on only what we see is week and limited. I could never believe that there is no God and there's a bit in the bible that says it's a fool that says as much. I'd agree. To think you can prove the non-existance of God is a foolish thing.
But what now? What do I live for? If there's God then I want to know Him properly which i guess is why I'm in this state in the first place. And it's a bit thlike the guy that met Jesus and said, "Lord I believe, help me in my unbelief!"
I think I know but I need to know inside and not just in my head. That's why it's a mess in my head/heart because just in your head, a knowledge of God is totally unfathomable. It doesn't make sense unless it clicks in with your heart.
So all this is happening and I just want to know if God's in it....

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Went on the Radio today. I love doing that. It can be full of improvising and spontinaity. So long as the DJ is good then it's a brilliant thing to do. Bob at BBC C&W is easygoing and likes to hear you talk so today was good fun.
He picked the three most blatantly religeous songs to play which was funny. One person phoned in say the music was good but a bit to religious! I said I sing about what happens to me and being a Christian that sometimes involves God. Can I help that?
Al in Long Island listened in via the web and emailed after. That was good. Gig in Loughborough tonight....