Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Squeaky Clean

I wonder where I fit? It's all a bit shotgun at the moment, trying to play the acoustic club scene, being interviewed by the media, getting a name in the Christain music scene... questions in my head about where it's all going.
It's mad to think I can pull it all together. I think the Christian thing is out. I am a Christian but in the ccm scene it seems that you have to be squeaky clean. I wonder how David would have fared with his adultery, murder etc. and yet he was a man after God's own heart.
So here am I. Last wek I nearly fell flat on my face and I'm wondering how that will go down. I can't hide it and I need to know where to go with everything now. If God's in it , how's he in it?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Mate Al

I have to tell you about a mate of mine called Al. I've only met him once but he's done an incredible amount of work on some of my songs and he's done it because he beleives it's right to. Not because he's getting paid megabucks or because he'll get anything out of it for himself. he know's what I'm doing, my story and my faith and he's there with it.
It would be cool if more people did what they beleived in instead of going with the flow. WHat an amazing worlsd we'd live in then.
There'll be a page on my site for Al soon so keep you eye's peeled

Monday, August 15, 2005


I usually hate being accusedof being religios. Religion to me is a dead set of beliefs that belomng in cold churches or a stir up religious fanatisism. So last night at a gig I was a bit wary when a lady asked in an accusing way if I was religious.
I was with a mate of mine who is definately not religious and he laughed when she asked the question but stopped when she berrated him saying, "Don't laugh! His music really gets to your heart!"
I wrote a song a while back thats on my CD Dancing With Seagulls, called Jesus To The World.
Really I wonder if the Church has been so busy preaching that the point has been missed that the best sermon is shown by the way we live and not the things we say. I don't preach, I just sing stuff that says how I feel. sometimes my songs shout at God and sometimes they are a love song to him. But what's important is that they are normal, they're me.