Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Powerful Testimony!

I recently visited my wife's sister and her family for a couple of days. My sister-in-law works at her local church, mainly with the youth, co-ordinating everything for mums and tots groups to teanage activities. She's very busy and does a cracking job.
She's very keen to get me along to play at the church sometime and introduced me to sscores of people in the church theat it would be 'worth meeting'.
"This is my Brother-in-law", she would say. "He's a singer/songwriter and has a really powerful testimony...."
OK, fine.
But I don't have a really powerful testiomony. At least no more powerful than my wife, best mate, or any other Christian for that matter. In fact I have a rather panic driven, knee jerk typ of testimony that seemed to happen out of sheer desperation and dare I say... luck!
What my sister-in-law means is that I have a juicy story. Which is fine. It gets peoples attention when I talk about what a mess my life was in and I guess more people these days can identify with that type of background.
But my wife, who was bought up in a stable Christian home and would say that she's always been a Christian, has a much more powerful story than mine.
What kid today hasn't been in some sort of trouble with the police or known some kind of family break-up. Thousand of teenagers spend nights on the street and run out of money and have no-where to turn.
To my wife, a lot of that is another world, and today, the fact that she has been bought up outside of society's spiralling downward trend is more powerful that a homeless criminal like myself, clutching at anything to get me out of a net and landing on some Christians doorstep. My convertion was the best way out. God's grace to me was powerful but my choice was easy.