Monday, December 19, 2005

Mountain Talk

The end of the tour was supposed to offer a 'breather'. But to be honest I whacked! Loads of gigs, parties and visitors.
Yesterday morning I listened to some stuff about the sermon on the mount and felt like I was getting somewhere, working some things out. Could have done with some time to sit and think about the whole thing. But then we had folks over for dinner, then an evening do, followed by the Oddsods Xmas party. It was good, copious amounts of mince!
But I need some space today to think about the whole thing. Maybe I should find a mountain to sit on!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Birthday thoughts

The other day I was talking to an old friend, my best man in fact. He said he'd been reading the blog and recognised some 'old Rob' there.
Somethings take a while to shift I guess.
It's my birthday today, marking the end of perhaps the best and worst year of my life. There's been some incredible highs and some pretty deep lows over the past 12 months. But there's also been a few things that kind of follow me around and keep me sane. I realised recently that I really am helpless without God. I hang on in by the skin of my teeth sometimes and it's realising that that makes it easier. I've spent so long trying to be something I'm not. Now I've taken the space to work out where my life is at and it's made a bit of a mess to do that but now I know I can get on with the next year.

I got a shower radio for my birthday. I can listen to the radio in the shower! Beats trying to read in the shower.