Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Interesting Gig

Interesting Gig the other night at the Four Provinces in Coventry.
It's an Irish Pub, very friendly and normally it rocks. People dancing by the end of the night. But the other night, maybe I didn't carry the usual party type vibe, the regular tunes didn't carry. People didn't dance and eventually I wend to some of the newer songs.
There were a few covers. Bad Day by Daniel Powter is at the top of my list at the moment. Says a lot to me. You had a bad day, so what!
Then i put in a few new songs including Miss You, All we need is Love and Holding On. I finished early and thought it was not good.
Then I was surrounded by people buying CD's. So no dancing but that was OK
I get freaked out sometimes at the power there is in music to comunicate something, to change a mood in a place or to capture something thats already there. It's like a huge responsibility which is why I have to sing truth and right what I know about or I'm going through.
There's a responsibility to express what other people want to say.


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